volunteer hub
get involved!
REINS is always in need of volunteers! Whether you are a teenager fulfilling community service requirements for school or you’re retired and want to give back to the community…THE MORE THE MERRIER! Any and all animal lovers who just want to be near the horses are welcome to come by REINS. Your commitment is vital to the success of the program, and we greatly appreciate your contribution. Click the button below to be taken to the REINS Volunteer Portal. Once there, click on the “Fill in an application” button. If you do not receive a follow-up call or email within one week, please call (760) 731-9168 or email [email protected].

I started as a volunteer at 12 and was there for 8 months. It changed my life forever. The amount of patience, love, and compassion that everyone has there blew me away. They truly care about every single rider and volunteer. I miss the ranch every single day. It truly is a place everyone should experience.


Volunteer Calendar